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We don’t want finances to stand between you and a healthy, happy dog. If you cannot afford our services but you want to improve your relationship with your dog, we would be happy to assist. Please send us a message explaining your situation, and we will be in touch as soon as possible.



“Video training, with a few in person sessions, worked like a charm.”


My dog Robin, a delightful shepherd retriever mix, who is usually quite enthusiastic about everything, suddenly, for no apparent reason, decided to stop getting into my car with me. This was so sad, because I loved to take her to Forest Park and to the beach. Oddly, she was fine with getting into other people’s cars, or into my car with other people. She had the physical ability to jump into the car, and seemed to enjoy the ride once she was in it. She just didn’t want to go with me.

This had been going on for over a year and a half when Julie helped me approach the problem. We did two sessions in person, and then switched to virtual training. Julie really looked at the relationship between Robin and me, and helped me figure out how to motivate Robin toward the eventual goal of getting back into the car with me. The virtual sessions were great, because I had to do the training, rather than just watching Julie do it and thinking that everything was going to be ok.

Julie worked out a very gradual behavior modification approach that started with fun games and small rewards in the house, progressed to sitting in the car together (I read a book and fed Robin treats), then to short trips around the block, and eventually culminated in Robin running toward the car and jumping in the back for her favorite treat, cheese whiz on a Likki mat.

I kept records of our training activities on an Excel spreadsheet, and sent them to Julie for review. Julie was available by phone for questions. She sent me videos demonstrating progressive training exercises, and I sent her videos showing Robin’s progress.


We did have one episode of “backsliding”, where Robin again refused to get in the car after many months of jubilant cooperation. I was kind of bummed, but then thought “what would Julie do?” I figured that she’d give Robin a little time off from the car, to relieve whatever associated anxiety there was, and then go a few steps back in the training exercises. Robin was back in the car in just a few days, and I felt good about my ability to work out behavioral glitches on my own.

Video training, with a few in person sessions, worked like a charm. Julie has given me the skills to be a better dog owner and to really enjoy my relationship with Robin.

-Carrie G.


“Rescuing Mama will always be one of the greatest and proudest moments of my life.”


Rescuing Mama will always be one of the greatest and proudest moments of my life. But her transition from living in the orchard to living with me at my home was difficult. Her whole world had been turned upside down, and she regressed. She was timid, shy, and very skeptical of humans. Although I had lots of experience in rescuing dogs, I didn't have any expertise in rehabilitating a dog with Mama's trust issues. But once I connected with Julielani from Life Of Kai, things began to improve. Julie provided valuable insights into Mama's behavior and state of mind that I wouldn't have known or seen on my own. Mama was speaking to me, and Life Of Kai taught me how to listen. Julie helped me see the world through Mama's eyes. Mama is happier now than she ever has been. The friendship between Mama and I continues to strengthen and grow, and Life Of Kai remains an essential of that process. I cannot thank Jul enough for playing such an important role in creating the unbreakable bond between Mama and me.
